S. Maslo CC BY-NC 2.0
Welcome to scienvy
Brought to you by the ARIES (Formerly EnvEast NERC DTP)
We're all about environmental science and PhD life here at SciEnvy! If you want insights into exciting research or the opportunity to learn more about the highs and lows of PhD life, you've come to the right place. Explore along with us as NERC scientists share their field work diaries, lab antic accounts and their tips and experiences from across the globe. From the marine labs of southern ocean cruise ships to the tropical rainforests of Borneo, our SciEnvy contributors have a broad range of interests and experiences, and we hope you'll enjoy learning more about us!
This blog was founded in 2014 as an initial means of communicating research from the Env East DTP. (now known as ARIES). With this blog, we aim to share not only our research but that of the wider scientific community. If you'd like to share your science or write about topical environmental research, news, policy or events, please get in touch using the form below. We'd love to hear from you!
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